posted by PiKNiK & Company, Inc. 3 months ago

$0.34 / gpu / hour - 128 RTX 3090s available from 05/17/2024 to 09/30/2024 (San Diego)

Interconnect: Ethernet
Cores per node: 64
RAM per node: 1024 GB
NVME storage per node: 3840 GB
Location: San Diego
Cloud provider: PiKNiK Cloud
Cluster interface: VM
Minimium bookable GPUs: 4
Minimium bookable duration: 4 weeks
Additional details
Cluster of NVIDIA RTX 3090 available for rent.
Hosted in the United States.
Each node has 4 GPUs, 128 vCPU, 1024 GB memory.
100 Gbps ethernet networking.
NVMe storage.
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